Infinitely many. Infinitely many. Infinitely many. Infinitely many.
Infinitely many. Infinitely many. Infinitely many. Infinitely many.
so many hours
too many too many too many
A Brittle star is not a myriapod. A Brittle star is an echinoderm. An example of a myriapod would be a centipede.
No. Spiders are not myriapod. They are arthropod's class is arachnids.
in rainforests
A myriapod is a type of Anthropod, and two examples of them are Centipedes and Millipedes. A myriapod will have from 10 to over 750 legs.
Nope, but it is a Lepidoptera [butterfly of moth]
Antennea's they are on stalks, like a bugs.
it has both and the antennea also feels
A class of myriapod arthropods that comprises the centipedes.
No. A millipede is a myriapod, which is a kind of arthropod.
Loose connection to the antennea