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Q: How many babies do burrowing owls have in 1 year?
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Related questions

What is the food of a burrowing owl?

The Florida species of the Burrowing Owl loves mice, but they also eat small snakes, frogs, and many types of insects. It has been reported that a family of Burrowing Owls can eat 1500 mice a year.

What eats burrowing owls?

Burrowing owls are known to fall prey to larger predators such as coyotes, foxes, hawks, and snakes. They are also vulnerable to domestic cats and dogs which can raid their burrows and nests. Human activities such as habitat destruction and vehicle collisions also pose a threat to burrowing owls.

Can a burrowing owl have babies every year?

3-5 usually.....

What kind of owls live in Florida?

Species that reside there year round include the barred owl, horned owl, screech owl, burrowing owl, and barn owl. In winter, the short eared and long eared owls are present as well in varying numbers.

How many Spotted Owls die each year?

It is difficult to provide an exact number of Spotted Owls that die each year, as factors such as habitat loss, competition with other species, and climate change impact their population. However, efforts are being made to conserve and protect the species in order to minimize their mortality rates.

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12 babies a year

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it depends on how many babies she has

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