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Correct answer can not be given for the above question. As number of bacteria varies from person to person. In the same person at different times, say before bath and after bath. Bacteria are more in axilla and groin, as compared to uncovered area.

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Q: How many bacteria on a square centimeter of skin?
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How many cells are in 1 square centimeter of your skin surface?

1 square centimeter of your skin's surface contains over 100,000 cells.

One square centimeter of skin's surface contains how many cells?

Approximately 1 million cells are found in just one square centimeter of skin's surface. These cells include various types such as epidermal cells, melanocytes, and keratinocytes, which work together to protect the body and maintain skin health.

How many million bacteria cells per square inch of human skin?

50 million

How do you find how many viruses you average you have about 1 million microbes per square centimeter of skin on a square centimeter on the outside of your ear how many viruses can you expect to find?

Your guess would be about one million microbes including viruses. But very little is known about the prevalence of viruses on normal skin. Traditionally, viruses on the skin have been termed pathogenic, ie harmful, but recent research disputes this.

How many Bacteria are in every square inch of skin?

if the bacteria is giganticus maximus then it is generally accepted as being 4, although there have been known cases of up to 100 (!) smaller bacteria.

How many square meters does skin cover?

Skin usually covers about 2 square meters.

What does bacteria on the skin create?

Bacteria on the skin created odour.

Why bacteria easier enter dry skin?

Dry skin can crack, allowing the bacteria to get below the surface of the skin.

What does the bacteria on our skin?

no, unless the immune system is compromised

What do you call a bacteria who eats your dead skin?

The bacteria that feed on dead skin cells are called "commensal bacteria." They play a role in maintaining healthy skin by helping to regulate the skin's microbiome.

Why is it undesirable to remove bacteria from the skin?

It is undesirable to remove bacteria from the skin because some of the bacteria is good bacteria and is part of our body's natural protection.

How many bacteria can be found on a single sq cm of skin?

its a bout 100,000