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Q: How many bills have been pass for blacks?
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What is sopa and pipa and hoe does it affect you?

SOPA, PIPA, and HOE are bills that the government wanted to pass in 2012. These bills were in regards to privacy and downloads on the Internet. As of 2013, the bills have not yet been passed.

What are three goals of the American Congress?

Write bills, discuss bills, pass or reject laws. Congress has many other roles, too.

Why did many southern states pass Jim Crow Laws?

Because he was not black and he thought that blacks should do every thing and that blavks wher not better then whites

How many votes are needed to pass budget bills in the US Senate?

A simple majority ( 51 votes if all vote) will pass any bill in the Senate. (Please note that all tax bills must originate in the House.)

What bills pass through parliament?

All bills both public and private member.

Why do most bills failed to become law?

The committees do not pass them.

What is the percent of bills that dont pass?

90 %

What does the houes of representitives do?

Pass bills, vote on bills, discuss issues. Basically the same as Senate

What are the responsibilities of the lieutenant governor?

Pass the bills by signing them.

What do senators do at their work?

they would just pass bills

How are the levels of governor and senate different?

The senate is more of a collective group of people to pass bills while the governer (alone) can veto or pass bills laws etc

A blizzard strikes the nations capital Only 200 of the 435 members of the house of represenatives show up for that day's session Can they pass bills?

yes, they can pass bills.