4 people are born every second and 3 die every second soo......use a calculator!
It is estimated to be 15000 births per hour in the United States.
10 miles per hour is 16k per hour.
127.38109440865345 Miles per Hour
1.60934 km per hour
It depends on country..please mention country name..
It is estimated to be 15000 births per hour in the United States.
There is about 137 abortions per hour. 234 abortions per 1,000 live births, 1.2 million per year, 3,288 per day, 9 abortions per hour and 1 abortion every 26 second.
Total births per second: 4.17 Total deaths per second: 1.80 Net growth: 2.37 per second via. http://www.peterrussell.com/Odds/pop.php there ya go
Too many.
Supposedly, a baby is born every five seconds. 60 divided by 5 = 12 Births per minute.
An estimated 2011 world birth rate was about 4 births per second
401,300 births per day
14709 births each hour, 6098 people die each hour. 245 births each minute, 102people die each minute.6,390 people die each hourhow do you know (who ever wrote this on top^^^^^^)
48.28 kilometers per hour.