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Answer: 1.049 in 2005 4138349 live births in the US in the year 2005. The calculation will work for any year, you just need to find the number of births in that year. Now divide that number by the number of seconds in a year. 1 year = 31 556 926 seconds so we have 4138349/31556926 is about .13113 births per second. Now multiply this by 8 and we have 1.049, so about one live birth per 8 seconds. Here is the birth data, in case you want to compare years. Live Births and Birth Rates, by Year The following table shows the number of live births and the Birth Rate in the United States between 1910 and 2005. Year Births1 Rate2 1910 2,777,000 30.1 1915 2,965,000 29.5 1920 2,950,000 27.7 1925 2,909,000 25.1 1930 2,618,000 21.3 1935 2,377,000 18.7 1940 2,559,000 19.4 1945 2,858,000 20.4 1950 3,632,000 24.1 19523 3,913,000 25.1 19533 3,965,000 25.1 19543 4,078,000 25.3 1955 4,104,000 25.0 19563 4,218,000 25.2 19573 4,308,000 25.3 19583 4,255,000 24.5 19593 4,295,000 24.3 19603 4,257,850 23.7 19613 4,268,326 23.3 19623 4,167,362 22.4 19633 4,098,020 21.7 19643 4,027,490 21.0 19653 3,760,358 19.4 19663 3,606,274 18.4 19674 3,520,959 17.8 19683 3,501,564 17.5 19693 3,600,206 17.8 19703 3,731,386 18.4 19713 3,555,970 17.2 1972 3,258,411 15.6 1973 3,136,965 14.9 1974 3,159,958 14.9 1975 3,144,198 14.8 1976 3,167,788 14.8 1977 3,326,632 15.4 1978 3,333,279 15.3 1979 3,494,398 15.9 1980 3,612,258 15.9 1982 3,680,537 15.9 1983 3,638,933 15.5 1984 3,669,141 15.5 1985 3,760,561 15.8 1986 3,731,000 15.5 1987 3,829,000 15.7 1988 3,913,000 15.9 1989 4,021,000 16.2 1990 4,179,000 16.7 1991 4,111,000 16.2 1992 4,084,000 16.0 1993 4,039,000 15.7 1994 3,979,000 15.3 1995 3,892,000 14.8 1996 3,899,000 14.7 1997 3,882,000 14.5 1998 3,941,553 14.6 1999 3,959,417 14.5 2000 4,058,814 14.7 2001 4,025,933 14.1 2002 4,021,726 13.9 2003 4,089,950 14.1 2004 4,112,052 14.0 2005 4,138,349 14.0 1. Figures through 1959 include adjustment for under-registration; beginning 1960, figures represent number registered. For comparison, the 1959 registered count was 4,245,000. 2. Rates are per 1,000 population estimated as of July 1 for each year except 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, and 1980, which are as of April 1, the census date; for 1942–46 based on population including armed forces overseas. 3. Based on 50% sample of births. 4. Based on a 20 to 50% sample of births. NOTE: Alaska is included beginning 1959; Hawaii beginning 1960. Since 1972, based on 100% of births in selected states and on 50% sample in all other states. Sources: Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, we

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Q: How many births every 8 seconds?
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