8 hrs.
14 days - 4 hrs. Purna.
The usual working day is 8 hours (9 including breaks) (if you're lucky to get a job with the usual hours, usually public service here in ireland anyway). 8 hrs is 480 minutes.
there are 480 mins in 8 hrs 60mins x 8
they have 8-9 hrs.
8 hrs a week
$195/15 hrs x 8 hrs = $104 for 8 hrs work.
Answer20-40 hrs per week
It takes approximately 8 hrs
From 7:00am to 3:30pm is 8 hours and 30 mins and if you take an hour break then you will work for 7.5 hours.
8 hrs.
A healthly night of sleep is from 6-8 hrs. 8 hrs is more highly recommended.
14 days - 4 hrs. Purna.