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It depends on the size of the bricks and their orientation.

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Q: How many bricks do you need to build a brick wall 30 ft long 2 ft high?
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How many bricks do you need to build a brick wall 10ft long 10ft high?

It depends on the size of the bricks and their orientation.

How many bricks do you need to build a brick wall 25ft long 2ft high?

There are different sizes of brick. You will need to know how many bricks are in a square foot, including the mortar joint.

If the Jones twins can build a wall five bricks long and five bricks high in one minute how long will it take them to build a wall ten bricks high and ten bricks long?

2 minutes!

A brick wall is 10 bricks high the bricks are 25 cm long 10 cm wide10 cm high abulider is putting a layer of cement 2 cm deep between each eow of bricks How high will the wall be when finished?

10 bricks high!!!

How many bricks do you need to build a wall 16ft long 10ft wide 3courses high?

The answer will depend on the size of the bricks.

What Materials did they use to build the wall?

Depends on what kind of wall you plan to build. If it is a brick wall, then you would probably need cement, bricks, shovel, trowel, and measuring tape. The amount of bricks will depend on how long and wide the wall will be. Hope this helps.

How many blocks to build a retaining wall 21ft long and 3ft high?

Depends on the size of the block. However, an house brick is 9" x 3" x 4" So assuming the brick is laid 9" long and 3" high a single course of wall would require!!! 21 x 12 = 252 " Hence 252 / 9 = 28 bricks for the length & 9 x 12 = 108 " Hence 108 / 3 = 36 bricks in height Hence 36 x 28 = 1008 bricks is required!!!! If you wanted a double course wall (for support) that is 8 " wide. Then you need twice the number of bricks which is 2016 bricks.

You are bricking a wall 9 and a half feet long and 5 feet high how many brick do you need?

how many bricks and how big r thay

How many bricks in a yellow brick road?

How many bricks there would be in a yellow brick road would depend on how long the road was. A standard brick is 3 5/8" x 2 1/4" x 8".

If 400 bricks measuring 81 by 31 are required to build a wall 42 ft high how long is the wall?


Is cooking with bricks safe?

Yes, cooking with bricks should be safe, especially if the food is in a pan and doesn't touch the brick. The brick should be a refractory type as some cooking will see high temperatures. Common house bricks (non fire type) can fracture and spit hot particles. Also fire cement should be used in the are closes to the burning area as this will hold the brick and not break down if heated for long periods

Eight bricks are laid end to end along the edge of a flower bed each brick is 8 .5 inches long how long is the row of bricks?
