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Depends on the size of the bricks and their orientation.

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Q: How many bricks per sq feet in a 9 thick wall?
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How many bricks are needed per square foot?

9" thick wall needs 12 bricks per square foor 13.5" thick wall needs 18 bricks per square foot. 18" thick wall needs 24 bricks per square foot Sender: Mr. Khayal Ahmed Memon Sub Engineer in USAID N.G.O

How many bricks required to construct a wall measuring 10 ft in length and height is 7 feet?

Depends on the size of the bricks.

How many 4 inch by 8 inch bricks are needed to build a walk 6 feet wide and24 feet long?

There is no information on the heights of either the bricks or the wall!

You are bricking a wall 9 and a half feet long and 5 feet high how many brick do you need?

how many bricks and how big r thay

How many bricks are there in a 1m2 wall?

there are approximately 72 bricks in a 1 m2 wall

How thick does a brick wall need to be if it is too hold 3 feet of water when the whole pond depth is 6 feet?

Doesn't matter what the whole depth is. You mean three feet above ground? Doesn't matter how thick the wall is either. Depends on how it is constructed. Why use bricks anyway? You are still going to have to line it. Look at some books on pond construction.

How many bricks in 1 square meter of masonry brick wall?

60 bricks to 1 square metre for a wall 1 brick thick. 120 bricks to 1 square meter for a 2 brick thick wall. 10 standard concrete blocks to 1 square metre. 6 bricks equal 1 block. 1kg of mixed mortar per brick laid and 2.25 kg per block laid. On average use 5 wall ties in cavity wall construction per metre square

How thick is the hoover dams wall?

At the top the dam in 45 feet thick, and 660 feet thick at the bottom.

How many bricks is the great wall of china made of?

hoe many brick that the great wall have? too many to count

How many bricks would you need to build a chimney 12' tall 4' wide and 3' thick built from old brick?

That's (4+3+4+3) * 12 = 14 * 12 = 168 square feet of wall. At a standard of 6.86 bricks per square foot that would come to a little under 1200 bricks, but it definitely depends on the exact size of your old bricks.

How many bricks do I need to build 1m2 of wall?

6o bricks

How many red bricks makes one square feet for 9 inch thickness wall?

To cover 1 square foot of a 9-inch thick wall, you would need approximately 7 red bricks. This calculation is based on the typical size of a standard red brick, which measures about 2 1/4 inches in height and 7 5/8 inches in length.