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A US gallon of water is about 8.4 lb, so 30,000 galls is 252,000 lb. One BTU is the heat to raise one pound of water by one degF, so BTU's in your example are 252,000 x 15 = 3,780,000 BTU.

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Q: How many btu's are needed to raise the temperature of a 30000 gal pool from 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit?
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How many BTU needed to operate 30000 gallon pool at 80 degrees?

It takes 8.34 BTU to heat 1 gallon of water 1 degree F. Take 8.34 BTU times number of gallons to determine energy needed to raise pool 1 degree F. Then multiply by how many degrees you need to raise the temperate of the current pool temperature to the desired temperature. Example: 8.34 * 30,000 gal = 250,200 BTU need to raise temperature 1 degree F Next multiple by the number of degrees to warm, say the pool is 55 F. 80F - 55F = 25F. 250,200 BTU * 25 F = 6.255 million BTUs to heat the pool to 80 F. This does not take into account the loss of energy to the surroundings but gives you a starting point to determine the energy needed to heat a mass of water.

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