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Q: How many btu does it take to raise 1 cfm of air 1 degree?
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How many btu's does it take to heat up 1 cubic foot of air 1 degree?

It takes approximately 0.075 BTU to heat up 1 cubic foot of air by 1 degree Fahrenheit.

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97 because if you take your right hand and raise it in the air then put your left foot in the air it will reflect the sun in a 97 degree angle giving you your answer

How much energy is needed to raise the temperature of air by 1 degree Celsius?

The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of air by 1 degree Celsius depends on various factors such as the volume of air and its specific heat capacity. As a rough estimate, it takes about 1.005 kJ of energy to raise the temperature of 1 cubic meter of air by 1 degree Celsius.

How many btu to raise air temperature 1 deg?

It doesn't work that way. There is not a certain number of btus to raise air temperature. You would have to know how much air. A BTU is the British Thermal Unit. That is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree F.

Is it possible to get a commission in the Air Force from an online bachelors degree?

If the degree was from an accredited college or university, then yes. You need a transcript and degree (and any other proof that the USAF wants for your commission). Congrats on your degree! Too many people don't take advantage of the nearly free education that is offered by the Air Force.

Can I get a bachelor's degree in the us air force?

Yes, you can. The military offers many educational opportunities. It is the individuals responsibility to take advantage of them

How much energy is saved per degree using an air conditioner?

On average, you can save approximately 3-5% of energy for every degree you raise the thermostat setting on your air conditioner. This can vary based on the efficiency of the unit, insulation quality, and climate conditions. It's a good practice to find a balance between comfort and energy savings.

What should air conditioning be set at night?

Air conditioning can be set at whatever you choose, but keeping it at 78 degrees can keep your electric bill low. Each degree that it is lowered can raise your bill by 3%.

Why does it take pool water so long to warm up?

Water has a very high specific heat capacity, which means you need to put a lot of energy into a given quantity of it to raise the temperature a given amount. The specific heat capacity of water is 4.187 kJ/kgK, which means you need to put in 4 kJ of energy to raise the temperature of one kg of water by 1 K (or 1C) Compare this to the specific heat capacity of air which is 1.0 kJ/kgK, or 25% of that of water. Therefore, you need to put in four times as much energy to heat up a given mass of water as compared to a given mass of air. One kilogram of air has a volume of about 29 cubic feet at 1 atmosphere, and a kilogram of water is a liter. It takes 4 times as much thermal energy to raise the temperature of that liter of water by a degree as it does to raise that 29 ft3 of air that same one degree. To do an additional comparison, you could picture a room that is 11' x 11' x 11' in volume. Elevating the temperature of the air in that room one degree will lift the temperature of that liter of water by the same one degree.

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The most you laugh, the more air you take in faster, causing your blood pressure to raise

Where can you raise level 1 runecrafting in runescape?

You can make air runes. Take rune essence, and either an air tiara or an air talisman to the air altar west of Varrock - a little south of the path. If you have an air talisman, it has an option to tell you the direction.

If we melt ice does it raise the temperature of he air?

Seems like you had a typo there. "He air? the air....