We did a survey sampling covering 0.00007% of the world, we estimatet that there are 1.7 billion buildings in the world with 90% confidence interval from [0.9 billions to 2.5 billions]
See the paper github.com/svendvn/sampling/
3. The Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the World Trade Center.
That would depend on what size buildings you want to build.That would depend on what size buildings you want to build.That would depend on what size buildings you want to build.That would depend on what size buildings you want to build.
There's no correct answer to this question. All buildings are different.
There are hundreds of buildings around the world that can fit 18000 people quite easily. Many sports stadiums or halls hold tens of thousands; most skyscrapers have upwards of 20000 workers in them daily.
they are used in many ways like for making buildings, ships,in hospitals for x-rays and many more...
Many buildings were destroyed...
There many famous buildings in the world, such as the Eiffel Tower, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Taipei 101, Burj Dubai, Sydney Opera House and many more.
There is not a Empire building that starts with the letter Z. There are many of buildings in the world.
There are a Lot of trinity churches
0 buildings were destoryed in WW1 AND WW2
Killed many people and destroyed many buildings.
Shenzhen, China (apex)
Yes. In 1966, the World Trade Center site was planing to be a big site but there were so many buildings that they have to demolish the buildings. Then they start digging.
It changed are world besause so many opeople died and those were the highest buildings ever.
The Xerox Corporation occupies part or all of hundreds of buildings around the world. The total number is constantly changing. Most of these are leased spaces.
I'm not sure about my answer, but I think Gustave Eiffel has built the most buildings in the world.