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Q: How many calendar patterns are there?
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When will the 2008 calendar repeat?

The 2008 calendar will repeat in 2036. Calendar patterns repeat every 28 years because of the cycle of leap years.

How many days are in the Aztec calendar?

There are 365 many their are in a regular calendar

How many different calendar do you need?

It depends on what you are doing. There are many types of calendar

How many days in calendar?

Well look on a calendar and look at the last day...

How many days are there in the month of December in the Gregorian calendar?

December has 31 days in the Gregorian calendar, as that is the calendar that we now use.

What worldview would best fit someone who strongly believes in the zodiac calendar and signs?

The worldview is that the patterns of the planets affect our lives on earth.

How different is the mayan calendar from ours?

It is different by...................................................................... Learn from wikipedia just search Mayan calender and they will teach you about it

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In Oregon, a boat registration is valid for how many calendar year(s)??

How many days is the Julian calendar behind the Gregorian calendar?

The Julian calendar is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar from March 1900 until March 2100.

How many days were there in the ancient calendar?

The earliest recorded in ancient history calendar was the "Egyptian calendar" around 4236 B.C.E. They devised a 365-day calendar basing on the moon's cycles or what is called the solar calendar.

How many syllables in calendar and spell it out?

There are three syllables in calendar. Cal-en-dar.

How many words can you make from the word calendar?

Words that can be made with the letters in calendar are:aaceacreadalderaleanalarecadcancanalcandlecanecardcarecedarcededaledaredarndealdeandeardecaldenearelanendlalaceladladeladenlandlardlealeadleanlearnlendnearraceradranreadrealredrend