You need to correctly answer1 plus the greatest integer in (0.56 x the passing percentage ).
It depends on the pass rate.
You need (1.5) x (the percentage that's passing).
80% Missing 14 questions out of 70 means that you got 56 correct. 56 out of 70 questions is 80%.
You need to correctly answer1 plus the greatest integer in (0.56 x the passing percentage ).
To get a 70 to pass the test you can miss 37 questions.
You can put this solution on YOUR website! So you got 56 questions correct. That means you got 80 - 56 = 24 questions wrong.
It depends on the pass rate.
70% of 25 is 17.5. That is you will pass with 7 (7.5) questions wrong.
30 questions and in order to pass you can miss 6 questions
To achieve a score of 90% on a 56-question test, you would need to answer 90% of the questions correctly, which is 50.4 questions. Since you cannot answer a fraction of a question, you would need to answer at least 51 questions correctly. Therefore, you can afford to miss 56 - 51 = 5 questions and still achieve a 90% score on the test.