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Q: How many can you pass with 56 questions?
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How many questions do you need to pass if thers 56 questions?

You need to correctly answer1 plus the greatest integer in (0.56 x the passing percentage ).

How many questions can you miss on a 56 question test?


If there are 125 questions on a test and you need 70 to pass how many questions can you miss?

To get a 70 to pass the test you can miss 37 questions.

i need a 70 percent on 80 questions how many can i get wrong?

You can put this solution on YOUR website! So you got 56 questions correct. That means you got 80 - 56 = 24 questions wrong.

How many questions out of 70 can be miss to pass?

It depends on the pass rate.

How many questions can you get wrong out of 25 questions and theres a 70 percent to pass?

70% of 25 is 17.5. That is you will pass with 7 (7.5) questions wrong.

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30 questions and in order to pass you can miss 6 questions

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How many questions can you miss to get 90 percent on a 56 question test?

To achieve a score of 90% on a 56-question test, you would need to answer 90% of the questions correctly, which is 50.4 questions. Since you cannot answer a fraction of a question, you would need to answer at least 51 questions correctly. Therefore, you can afford to miss 56 - 51 = 5 questions and still achieve a 90% score on the test.