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There were 13 cannons at Fort Sumter.

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Q: How many cannons were there at fort Sumter?
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Related questions

What kinds of weapons were used in the battle of fort Sumter?

weapons such as riffles and cannons were used in fort Sumter and don't forget that not one man died in this battle.

Where was the first shot of the American Civil War?

Frt. Sumter (the Confederates atacked the fort with cannons)

Who did South Carolina confederates fire their cannons at when the civil war began?

At Fort Sumter in the harbor at Charleston SC.

Who took control of Fort Sumter?

Fort Sumter was a Confederate victory. The Union held the fort for 34 straight hours while being fired at with cannons before surrendering. The Union general was Major Robert Anderson and the Confederate general was P.G.T. Beauregard.

How many Americans died in Fort Sumter battle?

Based on all the history about Fort Sumter, it seems that there were no deaths associated with the battle of Fort Sumter.

How many union troops were in the battle of fort Sumter?

The garrison of Fort Sumter was of 80 men.

About how many men were in the fort Sumter battle Union?

The combined garrisons of Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie was 86 men.

Who was the Confederate general that forced the surrender of Fort Sumter in 1861?

Major General PT Beauregard was in charge of Confederate forces in Charleston, South Carolina. With the approval of provisional President Jefferson Davis, Beauregard ordered artillery to fire cannons on Fort Sumter.

How many cannons are in Fort Pickens?

fort pickens has 34 canons

What were Lincoln's choices in regard to fort Sumter?

his choise's were to resuply Fort Sumter

Is fort Sumter a museum?

Fort Sumter was a fort back when Lincoln was president.

What goemtric shape was fort Sumter?

Fort Sumter was a pentagon.