A cubic centimetre and a millilitre are equivalent measures. So 1200 ml = 1200 cc.
1,000 . The 'ml' and the 'cc' are identical volumes.
There are 0.5 cc in 1 half ml.
CC's and ml are the same value; therefore 27.8 ml = 27.8 cc's.
1 ml = 1 cc
0.8 ml is not equivalent to 1 cc. The ml and the cc are identical volumes, so 0.8 ml = 0.8 cc.
1200 cc is equal to 1200 cm3 or 1200 mL1200 mL is equal to 4.8 cups (metric)1 cup = 250 mLThis differs slightly if you use the imperial or American measurement, where 1 cup is equal to 236.6 mL. In that case1200 mL is equal to 5.0721 cups
A "cc" and a "mL" are they same thing.
50 cc = 50 ml
How many cc is 0.375 ml of testosterone?
100 cc is 100 ml 1 cc= 1ml
There are 1000 ml in one liter. 1200 ml is 1.2 liters
1 ml equal to 1 cc
1 ml = 1 cc
0.03 cc = 0.03 ml The 'cc' and the 'ml' are identical volumes.
1 cc = 1 ml
There are 1200 cm3 in 1200 ml since 1 ml is equivalent to 1 cm3.
75 ml is equal to 75 cc. The volume measurement is the same in this case.