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2.7 centimeters

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Q: How many centimeters are in one and one fourth of an inch?
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How many centimeters are in one fourth of an inch?

The answer is .635 centimeters. One inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters. To convert inches into centimeters, multiply the inches by 2.54.

What is one fourth of an inch in centimeters?

.635 cm.

Does 128 centimeters equal one and one-fourth meters?

close, but one and one-fourth meters is 125 centimeters. 128 centimeters is about an inch away from being 1 1/4 of a meter.

How many centimetres in inch-?

There are a total of 2.54 centimeters in one inch.

How many centimeters are there in a n inch?

There are 2.54 cm. in one inch.

How many centimeters equals up to one inch?

You mean "centimeters". An inch is approximately 2.54 centimeters.

How many centimeters in one fourth inch?

Just type 1.25 inches in cm.

How many centimeters are there in one sixty-fourth of an inch?

There are 2.54 centimetres in one inch. Therefore, 1/64 inches is equal to 1/64 x 2.54 = 0.0396875 centimetres.

How many c entimeter in one inch?

There are 2.54 centimeters in one inch. Therefore to get amount of centimeters in inches, value in inches has to be multiplied by amount of centimeters in one inch: 1 inch = [inch] * 2.54 = 1 * 2.54 = 2.54 centimeters

How many cenitmeters are in one inch?

one inch = 2.54 centimeters

How many centermeters are in one inch?

2.54 centimeters are in one inch.

3 centimeters how many inches?

There are 2.5 centimeters in a inch, so 1 inch and one fifth of an inch.