There are 100 centimetres in one metre. Therefore, one tenth of a metre is equal to 1/10 x 100 = 10 centimetres.
No, one meter dies not equal ten centimeters, one meter equals one hundred centimeters. The name for a tenth of a meter is a decimeter.
One decimeter, or 10 centimeters
No, a decimeter is ten centimeters. So it is one-tenth of a meter.
There is 10000 squared centimeters in one squared meter.
There are 10 centimeters in one tenth of a meter, since there are 100 centimeters in a meter.
No, one meter dies not equal ten centimeters, one meter equals one hundred centimeters. The name for a tenth of a meter is a decimeter.
One decimeter, or 10 centimeters
A Centimeter is one one hundredth of a meter A Decimeter is one tenth of a meter Therefore there are 10 Centimeters in one Decimeter So 8 Centimeters is 0.8 of a Decimeter.
one-tenth of a half is always one-twentieth. 1/20 of a meter is 5 centimeters.
There are 10 cm in a decimeter (dm). A decimeter is 1/10 meter, while a centimeter is 1/100 meter, one tenth as large.
A decimeter is a tenth of a meter, or ten centimeters. A centimeter is one hundredth of a meter. Therefore there are 10 decimeters in a meter.
There are 100 centimeters in one meter.
A decimeter is one-tenth of a meter. I.e. ten centimeters. If you have eight centimeters, then you have eight tenths of a decimeter. Or 0.8 decimeters are equal to 8 centimeters.
A decimeter is a unit of length in the metric system equal to one-tenth of a meter. It is equivalent to 10 centimeters or 0.1 meters.
One meter is equal to 100 centimeters.