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A canteloupe is not a unit of measure. The two units are therefore incompatible.

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Q: How many centimeters is a canteloupe?
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Is canteloupe a fruit or vegatable?

Canteloupe is a fruit

How many caliors are in a cup of cantelope?

Approximately 220 grams of canteloupe

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John canteloupe

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What food do they eat in Guadeloupe?

Canteloupe, among other things.

How do you can cantaloupe?

One grows/purchases a canteloupe and subsequently places this canteloupe in some form of can. A clsoing device can be used to seal it. If you want, you could put in some of that sugary stuff you get in canned fruit.

How do you say cantoloupe in french?

If you mean canteloupe it is the same word in french.

How many centimeters are in 797 centimeters?

There are 797 centimeters in 797 centimeters.

Does canteloupe grow on a bush?

No it grows on a vine on the ground similar to a watermelon or pumpkin.

How many centimeters are there in fifteen centimeters?

There is 15 centimeters in 15 centimeters