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10 mm = 1 cm so 480 mm = 480/10 = 48 cm. Simple!

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Q: How many centimetres is 480mm?
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Related questions

How many meters in 480mm?

0.48 metres.

How many inches is 480MM?

480mm is equivalent to 18.8976 inches when converted.

What is 480mm in inches?

18.89 inches

How many millimeters in forty-eight cm?

48cm equals 480mm (cm x 10 = mm)

How many centimetres are there in 3.8 centimetres?

Centimetres and centimetres are the same unit. Therefore, 3.8 centimetres is equal to 3.8 centimetres.

How many cm are in 916cm?

Centimetres and centimetres are the same measurement. Therefore, 916 centimetres is equal to 916 centimetres.

How many square centimetres in a rectangle?

The length in centimetres multiplied by the width in centimetres will give you the area in square centimetres.

How many centimetres in 2.3 foot?

70.10400 centimetres

5 inches is how many centimetres?

12.7 centimetres.

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How many centimeters are in 8 centimeters?

Centimetres and centimetres are the same unit. Therefore, 8 centimetres is equal to 8 centimetres.

How many centimeters in 20 centimeters?

Centimetres and centimetres are the same measurement. Therefore, 20 centimetres is equal to 20 centimetres.