There are 21 species of birds classified as cockatoos. Typically, they are 30-60 cm when fully grown.
There are 100 centimetres in one metre. 100 - 40.6 = 59.4. Therefore, 40.6 centimetres is 59.4 centimetres short of a metre.
The length in centimetres multiplied by the width in centimetres will give you the area in square centimetres.
It is 25.4 centimetres long.
Centimetres is a measure of LENGTH,- how long or wide something is. It can not be equated to volume
87 years
21 days
A Goffin cockatoo has at least 70 bones in their body including their wings.
A line that is 124 mm long is 12.4 cm long.
About 2 years in the wild
A single sheet of A5 paper measures 21.0 centimetres long by 14.8 centimetres wide.
A normal clutch for a Sulphur Crested cockatoo is 5-6.
The corella (Little Corella and Long-billed Corella) is a white cockatoo with pinkisj-red cheek feathers.
Centimetres and centimetres are the same unit. Therefore, 3.8 centimetres is equal to 3.8 centimetres.