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Q: How many centuries do historians think it took?
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The ancient Greek historian Herodotus who lived over 2000 years after the Great Pyramid was built by 100,000 workers. Modern archaeologists put the figure at 10-20,000.

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The first recorded sumo match took place in 300AD. But wrestling was around for many centuries before that.

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The Harrpan civilization collapsed about 1500 B.C. Historians think that several earthquakes and floods damaged the cities. Then the Indus River changed its course, killing many people and forcing others to flee the area.

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Caveman did not "invent" candy. People have always wanted sweets, but it took centuries before there were things like chocolate and sugar introduced to people. Honey was used for many centuries as a sweet and the caveman may have used it as well.

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Historians believe that it took about 10-15 years

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Conversion took place from the 8th through 12th centuries.

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