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It depends on where in the world and how long ago you consider to be olden days.

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Q: How many children were in 1 classroom in the olden days?
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How many days did the children go to school in the olden days?

the boys went to school only if they were rich though.

In India how many people in a classroom?

there about 61 to 84 children in a classroom

What did children do in the olden days for fun?

It depends on what is meant by the olden days. If you mean before the age of technology, they did what im sure many contemporary children do. Played make-believe games, sports, hide and seek, tag, etc. Some were taught skills such as sewing or wood-work. If the children were educated they would possibly read or practice the arts such as music or painting.

How many children in a classroom in Australia?

In the early years, classroom sizes are supposed to be restricted to 25 children. This increases to 28 children in the older grades.

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most people in the olden days

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by many sages in the olden days

What are the advantages of olden days transportation?

It is cheaper

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Cupcakes were made from scratch back in the olden days. This means that all ingredients were added fresh and many recipes were verbally handed down.

What is t Tudor?

A Tudor is a olden days person related to many Henry's.

In the olden days how many days of school in a week did you have to go to?

I think that they went 5 days a week. i am not sure but you can edit this if you want

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How many hours did adults have to work in the olden days?

enough for them to still complain about it today