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Q: How many circles of radius 5 cm can be cut from a piece of paper 50 cm by 40 cm?
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How many circles can be cut with a radius of 5cm from a piece of paper 50cm by 40cm?

20 of them.

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How many circles of radius 5cm can be cut from a piece of paper 50cm by cm?

We could really use that other dimension. A circle with a radius of 5cm has a 10cm diameter and can fit in a square that is 10 cm on each side. If the paper is 50 cm x 50 cm, there will be 25 of them.

How many circles of radius of 5 degrees can be cut from a cartolina 42cm by 32cm?

It's not a circle if it's radius of 5 degrees. If it's 5 cm radius, then 12 circles.

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If the circles have the same radius then an infinite number, and if they do not, then none.

What does circle have to do with math?

Circle is a shape. We have gotten to know a lot from circles. Because of circles, we get PI, radius, diameter, circumference, and other things. Circles fall into geometry, which is math. We can make many mathematical equations from circles.

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A piece of paper has three dimensions. They are the length, width and thickness of the paper. Paper is available in many sizes such as A1, A3, A4 and A5.

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