according to the laws and regulations of the united states of America, a snapper must be a least 7cm long
Snapper have to be 27 cm to be killed in tauranga
by opening it snapper and waiting for a bug to fly in then there is something in the snapper that is sticky to keep the bug in then it closes it snapper and eats the bug then repeats
The Snapper - novel - has 160 pages.
nine inches
There are about 100 calories in 4oz of red snapper.
it is Pagrus auratus, thought there are different names for diferent types of snapper, the red snapper is Lutjanus campechanus, and many more types of them.
There are an estimated 280-300 calories in one serving of golden snapper.
They are commonly caught up to 10 lb (4.5 kg) and 20 inches (50 cm) in length, however there have been fish taken over 40 lb (18 kg). A red snapper attains sexual maturity at age 2-5 and an adult snapper can live for more than 50 years
Snapper is poisonous.
Assuming you mean 'What is the Maori word for Snapper' then the answer is... Tamure'
Yes, snapper is a kosher species of fish.
Johan Snapper was born in 1935.