165mm = 16.5cm which is about 6 inches
6.5 inches
165mm is equal to 16.5cm or approximately 6.5 inches.
8 on 165mm
165 mm = 6.496 inches Direct Conversion Formula 165 mm * 1 in 25.4 mm = 6.496062992 in
They are 165mm size
6.5 Inch/165mm are a straight fit, unsure on the back
How many inches is 38 cm
front 16.5cm or 165mm rear 13cm or 130mm and the mirrror tweeters are 22.5mm or 2.25cm.
How many cm are in 14 inches
8.66141732 inchesDirect Conversion Formula220 mm*1 in25.4 mm=8.661417323 in225 millimetres = 8.86 inchesDirect Conversion Formula 225 mm*1 in25.4 mm=8.858267717 in