A centimetre is a measure of length while a gallon is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and it makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.
Gallon is a unit of volume and cm is a unit of length. So there is no conversion. Perhaps you are asking about cubic cm?
Nope. 100cc = 0.0264 gallon.
1 gallon = 1 gallon
100 cm3 = 3.38 fluid ounces 1 gallon = 128 fluid ounces 1 gallon is 37.85 times the size of 100 cm3. (rounded)
1 gallon = 16 cups 1 cup =0.23 gallon
A cm is a centimeter which is a unit of length and a gallon is a unit of mass. they are different mesures
1 gallon(US dry)=4405 cubic cm 1 gallon(US liquid)=3785 cubic cm
First, you need to know the density of the isopropyl alcohol, which is about 0.785 g/cm^3. Next, you need to know how many cm^3 are in a gallon. 1 gallon = 231 in^3 = 231 * (2.54)^3 cm^3 = 3785 cm^3 Also, we need to convert from grams to milligrams 1 gram = 1000 milligrams so... (.785 g/cm^3) * (1000 milligrams/gram) * (3785 cm^3/gallon) * (1 gallon) = 2,970,000 mg
Area can not be converted to volume. 3,785 cm3/gallon I changed it to cubic cm rather than square cm. I think that is what you meant to ask.
Gallon is a unit of volume and cm is a unit of length. So there is no conversion. Perhaps you are asking about cubic cm?
16, 2, or 1?
16, 2, or 1?
Gallons x 3,785.4 = cubic cm
In one US gallon there are 3,785.412 cm^3.
there is 1 gallon in 1 gallon
1 gallon = 1 gallon
Exactly there is 3785 milliliters in a gallon.