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Q: How many course hours for Air Force Course 001?
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50.000.000, of course.

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24 of course !

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There are 20 hours in a day.

How many credits hours in a course that last 15 months?

It depends on the program and what it actually contains. Each course and program will have requirements particular to itself.

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ZERO of course...daaaa

How many weeks is a 120 hour course?

It is impossible to answer your question without knowing how many hours per week the course requires. Once you have that information, simply divide 120 by that number.

How many hours are remedial classes?

If you are referring to remedial courses required as a result of college basic skills testing, then it would depend on how many credits each course is assigned. A three credit course would mean three hours of classroom contact time per week through the length of the semester (48 hours total). A four credit course, four hours per week (64 hours total).

You had seven classes a day in college how many semester hours is that?

There is no way to know unless you indicate the number of credits assigned to each course and how many days each course runs.There is no way to know unless you indicate the number of credits assigned to each course and how many days each course runs.There is no way to know unless you indicate the number of credits assigned to each course and how many days each course runs.There is no way to know unless you indicate the number of credits assigned to each course and how many days each course runs.There is no way to know unless you indicate the number of credits assigned to each course and how many days each course runs.There is no way to know unless you indicate the number of credits assigned to each course and how many days each course runs.

On average how long does it take to play 18 holes of golf?

3-4 hours depending on how many in your group and how many on the course 3-4 hours is ideal. Depending on where (local municipal or resort course), when (weekend or Tuesday morning), and popularity, you can be looking at 5+ hours, easily

How many credits are awarded for CCAF after completion of course 14?

Course 14 graduates earn 4 CCAF semester hours of college credit.

How many credits do you earn from piano?

It depends on the course. The institution can assign the credits particular to the amount of classroom hours. In other words, if the class contact time is designated as three hours per week through the length on the semester, then if would be a three credit course. If two hours per week, then it would be a two credit course.

6.8 kilometers equals how many kilometers?

6.8, of course.6.8, of course.6.8, of course.6.8, of course.