The 3 foot square box contains 46,656 cubic inches. The 3 inch square cube has 27 cubic inches. The division of 46,656 by 27 yields 1728 3x3x3 cubes inside the larger one.
Cubes are prisms that have squares as bases and the height is the same as the edges. A square prism has square bases, top and bottom, and parallelograms as sides. A square pyramid has a square base and triangles for the vertical sides.
One cube has 12 edges so 2 cubes have ... 24 edges!
A rectangular prism.
Cubes have a square on each side, but rectangular prisms have rectangles or squares.
Assuming that the cubes are 1x1x1, there will be one thousand cubes in the larger cube.
None. Square yards is a 2 dimensional, flat measurement. Cubic yards is a 3 dimensional measurement. It's like asking how many one-inch cubes are in a 12 inch square piece of paper. If you want to MAKE hollow cubes out of flat material, cubes have 6 sides, so a cube one square yard to the side would have 6 pieces to make all the sides, and in that case the answer is 2700 divided by 6 = 450.
Three cubes.
Cubes of squares or squares of cubes, like 1, 64 and 729.
Well one has eight vertices then you just multiply eight by whatever number of cubes you have!
Eight half inch cubes would fill a one inch cube.
488 cubes
A cube has 6 square-shaped faces