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Q: How many cubic feet are in a cord?
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A lake states cord is how many cubic feet?

133.3 cubic feet

How many cubic feet in a cord of firewood?


How many cubic feet s in a cord of wood?

It depends on the density of the wood as it can range from 170 to 1370 kg/cubic metre. At a total guess I would say less than 1 cubic feet.

How do you convert a cord into cubic feet?

To convert a cord into cubic feet, you need to know the dimensions of the cord being measured. One cord typically measures 128 cubic feet, with a standard size of 4 feet high, 4 feet wide, and 8 feet long. If the cord being measured differs in size, you can calculate the cubic feet by multiplying the length, width, and height measurements together.

What is the difference in a cord of wood and a cubic meter of wood?

A cord of wood is a unit of measurement for firewood equal to 128 cubic feet, typically stacked in a pile 4 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 8 feet long. A cubic meter of wood is a metric unit of measurement equal to the volume of a cube with sides measuring 1 meter in length (about 35.3 cubic feet). The main difference is in the volume each unit represents and the measurement system they belong to.

Firewood is often sold by the cord a cord ofwood is a bundle measuring 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet what is the volume of a cord of wood in cubic feet?

128 cu. ft. (4ftx4ftx8ft)

What is the volume of a cord of wood?

a cord of wood is equal to 128 cubic feet of neatly stacked wood.

Firewood is often sold by the cord A cord of wood is a bundle measuring 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet what is the volume of a cord of wood in cubic feet?

If you assume the cord of wood formed a perfect rectangular prism you would simply multiply the length*width*height to get 128 cubic feet. However, it is obvious that unless the wood is cut into square pieces such as 6"x6" or 4"x4", there will be lots of air space inside your cord. But the basic answer is as above. Hope that helps answer this rather odd question. I disagree that it is an odd question. it is a very good question. Buyers of firewood should be aware of the cubic feet because many sellers sell variations on the cord, and a smart buyer will be able to figure out all the cubic feet variations and know whether he is being shorted by the seller.

What is the formula Cubic feet calculation of wood?

volume terminolagy for wood used in carpentry is by the Board Foot, 1 inch by 12 inches by 12 inches. voulume for firewood is measured by the cord, a full cord or Bush Cord is 128 cubic feet, normally represented by a pipe of wood 4 feet wide, 4 feet high and 8 feet long.

How large is one full cord of wood?

Square feet and a cord of wood are different types of measurement: square feet is length x width; a cord of wood is volume - length x width x height. A cord is the amount of wood is 128 cubic feet, or 4 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 8 feet long.

How many cubic feet in a cubic yard?

2727 cubic feet

Cord of firewood?

A "cord" is a unit of measure for firewood. It is a stack of wood that is 4'x4'x8'. That is 128 cubic feet of wood.