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An answers is impossible because there are no cubic units within a circle but only square units.

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Q: How many cubic feet in a circle with an eighteen foot diameter and 2 inches high?
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How many cubic inches with a eighteen inch diameter and two inches high?

18 x 3.14 = 56.52 56.52 x 2 = 113.04 The answer is 113.04 cubic inches.

How many cubic feet are in a circle 9.4 diameter 3 inches thick?

An answer is impossible because there are no cubic units within a circle but only square units

If the circle is 19 inches in circumference what is the diameter?

Remember the circle eq'n C = pi d Algebraically rearrange d = C / pi Hence C = 19/3.141952.... C = 6.047887837... inches.

How many cubic feet in a 26 foot diameter circle at 0 inches deep?

Without depth, the circle is a flat figure without volume ... zero cubic units.

How many cubic inches in a circle whose diameter is 31 inches and is 2 inches thick?

What you have there isn't actually a circle, but a stubby pillbox of a "cylinder".Volume of a cylinder = (pi) (R2) (H) = (pi) (15.5)2 (2) = 1,509.54 cubic inches (rounded)

How many cubic feet are in a circle 16 feet in diameter and 4 inches thick?

803.84 is the volume in cubic ft when using 3.14 as pi.

How do you find the diameter of a water balloon in qubic inches?

Diameter is a length measurement. Cubic inches is a volume measurement. Diameter cannot be measured in or converted to cubic inches.

What is the volume of a cylinder in cubic yards if the height is 153 inches and the diameter is 24 inches?

The volume of a cylinder, in cubic yards, if the height is 153 inches and the diameter is 24 inches is 69,215.57 cubic inches which equates to 1.484 cubic yards.

How much sand is needed to put in a 28 feet circle 6 inches deep?

Assuming the 28 feet refers to the diameter of the circle, the answer is 1231.5 cubic feet, approx.

How many cubic inches in a 8 inch diameter cylinder 4 inches tall?

201 cubic inches

What is the cubic feet of a pipe 12 inches diameter and 30 inches long?

1.96 cubic feet.

The diameter of the ball is 6 inches what is the volume?

27π cubic inches.