The displacement of a 302ci Ford V8 bored 60-over is 310.71ci
To calculate cylinder volume you should know the bore and stroke sized of an engine. Say a 350ci Chevy V8 bored 60-over:
Normal bore of a 350 is 4" in diameter, so 60-over would measure 4.060" diameter bore. Stroke of a 350 is 3.48".
Equation for measuring internal displacement of an engine is: Bore Radius^2 * 3.14 (Pi) * Stroke * # of cylinders = Internal Displacement
So using that formula, we would divide of the bore diameter in half to get the radius. Radius is 2.03". Then calculate 2.03 to the 2nd power (2.03*2.03) is 4.1209". Now multiply 4.1209" by Pi which is 3.14. That equals 12.939626". This represents the 2-dimensional surface area of the bore. Now multiply that by the length of the cylinder stroke, which on this engine is 3.48". That equals 45.02989848 cubic inches (cylinder volume). You can round off the numbers to make it more simple, that's fine. Now 45.02989848 is the volume of a single cylinder of that engine. We know the 350ci has 8 cylinders, so we would now multiply by 8 to get the final calculation. The answer is 360.24 cubic inches.
I hope this explanation helps a little.
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406 cubic inches .
287.4 CI
A ford 302/5.0 will be 306ci if bored .030 (4.030" bore)
You can either convert the feet and inches into inches or feet an fractions of feet. I suggest that you convert to inches, do the computation, then convert back to cubic feet. Nobody really likes to work with fractions if it isn't necessary. 2 ft 7 in = 31 inches 2 ft 8 inches = 32 inches 5 ft 7 inches = 67 inches Volume (cubic measurement) is found by multiplying the three dimensions (thus the name cubic) together. 31 in. X 32 in. X 67 in. = 66464 cubic inches No we convert back to cubic feet. To do this, divide the answer by 1728. Why? A cubic foot is 12 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches, or 1728 cubic inches. 66464 cubic inches / 1728 cubic inches = 39.462962962... cubic feet. These easily rounds to 39.5 cubic feet and is the most useful answer. If you want a precise answer, we need to convert the repeating decimal to a fraction. To do this multiply the whole number portion, 39, and the number you just divided by, 1728. This gives you 67392. In effect you "used up" 67392 cubic inches of the original 66464 cubic inches. You have 928 cubic inches left, not enough for another cubic foot. There has to be a fraction of a cubic foot left over. The fraction left over is the left over amount, 928 out of the original amount, 1728. Therefore the final answer is 39 and 928/1728 cubic feet. If you reduce the fraction to it's lowest term your final answer is 39 49/54 cubic feet.