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Q: How many cubit feet are in a 16 foot round x 4 feet high pool?
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How tall is 21 cubit feet?

A cubit is a foot and a half.A cubic foot is ... not something that you can compare to a length. It could be a mile square and a tiny fraction of an inch high; it could be miles high and a tiny fraction of an inch square.

How many cubit feet in a circle with a eight foot diameter and three inches high?

If you mean a cylinder then it is: pi*4*4*0.25 = 12.566 cubic feet to 3 decimal places

How many gallons will a round tank hold that is seven foot wide seven foot high and twenty four feet long?

Up to 8,797.1 gallons.

If A painter leans a 34ft ladder against a building The base of the ladder is 16ft from the building To the nearest foot how high on the building does the ladder reach?

30 feet. And you don't have to round it to the nearest foot. It's exactly 30 feet.

What does 1 million gallons look like?

1,000,000 US gallons is about 134,000 cubic feet. A round tank of 56 feet diameter by 56 feet high will hold 1 million US gallons. Also a round pond of about 413 feet diameter by 1 foot deep.

What is 100 cubits?

A "cubit" is an ancient Egyptian unit of measurement equating to 18 inches. Thus, 100 cubits = 150 feet = 45.72 meters. The term is sometimes used to mean square cubits, or an area 18 inches by 18 inches. In that case, it would be 225 ft2.

How long is 300 cubits long 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high?

A cubit equal 18 inches, so that would be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high.

8.5 foot long by 3.5 foot wide by 4 foot and 3 inches high in cubic feet?

126.4375 cubic feet.

What is the surface area of a cylinder with a diameter of 1 foot and 3 feet high?

A cylinder with a diameter of 1 foot and 3 feet high has a surface area of 11 square feet.

How many gallons will fit into a 24 foot x 4 foot round pool?

How many gallons will fit into a 24 foot diameter x 4 foot high round swimming pool

How many feet is 5 cu ft refrigerator?

A 5 cubic feet refrigerator is approximately 5 feet high, 2 feet wide, and 2 feet deep.

In bibical times how much is a cubit?

There are basically 2 opinions and here the are, with references. Hope this helps. {| Search results for: cubit! Book |- ! Description ! Context | JFB Ge 6:15Notes for Verse 15 Assuming the cubit to be 21.888 inches, the ark would be five hundred forty-seven feet long, ninety-one feet two inches wide, and forty-seven feet two inches high. JFB Ex 25:10Notes for Verse 10 -- a coffer or chest, overlaid with gold, the dimensions of which, taking the cubit at eighteen inches, are computed to be three feet nine inches in length, two feet three inches in breadth. JFB 2Ch 3:3Notes for Verse 3 But there is great difference of opinion about this, some making the cubit eighteen, others twenty-one inches. JFB 2Ch 3:4Notes for Verse 4 -- This, taking the cubit at eighteen inches, would be one hundred eighty feet; at twenty-one inches, two hundred ten feet; so that the porch would rise in the form of a tower, or two pyramidal towers, whose united height was one hundred twenty cubits, and each of them about ninety or one hundred five feet high [STIEGLITZ]. Smith's N - Noah Taking 21 inches for the cubit, the ark would be 525 feet in length, 87 feet 6 inches in breadth and 52 feet 6 inches in height. Smith's W - Weights and Measures Hence arises the difficulty of determining the ratio of the foot to the CUBIT, (The Hebrew word for the cubit(ammah) appears to have been of Egyptian origin, as some of the measures of capacity (the hin and ephah) certainly were.) which appears as the chief Oriental unit from the very building of Noah's ark. ... Exod 28:16; 1 Sam 17:4; Ezek 43:13 and figuratively Isai 40:12 The data for determining the actual length of the Mosaic cubit involve peculiar difficulties, and absolute certainty seems unattainable. |}