2,000 cc is equal to about 8.45 cups.
450 cc or milliliters is 1.9 cups.
750 cc is about 3.17 cups.
There are approximately 2.54 cups of water in 600 cc.
2,000 cc is equal to about 8.45 cups.
That is 3.307 cups.
450 cc or milliliters is 1.9 cups.
How many cups/ounces is 3.75 cc in medical terms equal to?
A "cc" is an "ml". They are the same unit of measurement.
400 cc is equal to 1.69070114 US cups! That's pretty exact! 5 US cups is 1,182.94118 cc!Read more http://www.kgbanswers.com/400-cc-is-how-many-cups/4673265#ixzz1EUZjql2S
110 cc is about 0.46 cups.
750 cc is about 3.17 cups.
There are approximately 1.9 cups in 450 cc.
There are around 0.845 cups in 200 cc.
380 cc's is approximately 1.6 cups.
250 cc of water is 1.1 cups.