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None. It is not possible to make a sphere in that fashion.

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Q: How many cuts in half is possible to make in a sphere?
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Is it possible to draw sphere?

It is certainly possible to draw a 2 dimensional picture of a sphere, and make it look like a true sphere.

Do 2 semi-circles make a sphere?

Half a sphere, which is a 3D shape, is called a hemisphere. The semi-circles in the question is a 2D shape and will make a circle.

Is it possible to make homemade chips?

Of course you can you just need something that cuts them really thin

What 2D shapes make a sphere?

There is no 2D shape that makes a sphere, since a sphere is 3D by definition. The closest thing to a 2D sphere is a circle.

How many cuts does it take to make 6 equal-size slices of bread from a loaf?

Five, if you slice normally, like store-bought bread. But if you slice the bread in half vertically and make two horizontal cuts, you will have six equal-sized slices as well, with only three cuts.

What plane shape can you make by tracing a sphere?

Technically you can not trace a sphere. If the base conditions are the same as for the other solid shapes, for example a cylinder, there is a base on which the cylinder rests, which creates the circle when it is traced. A sphere on a base would be touching in one point, which would be a dot. If you trace half a sphere, yes, than you do get a circle.

Why isn't the world map natural?

if the map is flat its because they half to re preposition some parts to make it fit right. if its a sphere than it is natural

Can you make a net of a sphere?


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Hormel makes cold cuts

If you make 4 cuts into a potato how do you come up with 15 pieces?

Don't make straight cuts.

What sizes are available in brooks running shoes?

Brooks running shoes are available in all sizes and half sizes. Make sure you know your size when you come into the store that way it cuts your shopping time in half.

How can a conductor be made to hold its charge?

It is not possible to make a ordinary conductor hold it's charge permanently.But you can make a ordinary conductor(e.g.,)a wire to hold charge for a short period.This is because a charge stored in a conductor leaks to the surroundings due to ionisation of air. But it is possible to charge a conductor like a copper sphere. for this the copper sphere is first connected to ground and a negatively charged ebonite rod near it.the copper sphere becomes positive as the negative charges in it flow to the ground.the sphere is disconnected from ground and the ebonite rod is taken the copper sphere holds positive charge. note: it is easy to charge an ebonite rod by rubbing it with fur.