It's a total driving time of 39 hours. Driving for 10 hours a day would take you just under four days.
29 hours would be one day and five hours.
None: if you are walking you will not make any driving mistakes! Even if driving, it depends on your driving style.
Assuming she's driving to school 5 days a week, she spends 120 minutes (or 2 hours) driving. Since it takes her 12 minutes one way, you know that it must take her 24 minutes both ways, since she needs to get home from school. If she's going to school 5 days a week, you have to multiply 24 minutes by 5 days to get a total of 120 minutes per week.
24 days
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 46 hours.
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 14 hours and 26 minutes.
It is 3,106.17 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 3,103.55 miles according to MapQuest.
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 42 hours and 55 minutes.
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 23 hours and 3 minutes.
The driving distance from Tampa, Florida to Outer Banks is about 845 miles.
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 49 hours and 54 minutes.
It is 3,103.55 miles according to MapQuest.
The driving distance is about 2,450 road miles.
The driving distance from Seattle, Washington to Anchorage, Alaska is about 2,360 miles.