A hairstylist (full time) usually works 5 days per week, which probably includes a Saturday.
7 days in a week
260 days.
5 days in one week they get sunday and saturday off
Assuming you work 5 days a week every week for all 25 years, it would be approximately 6,500 days.
6 days per week x 52 weeks per year = 312 days per year
It depends on how many days a week they have to work.
How many days do actors have to work per week?
Seven days a week
About 45 days a week
7 days in a week
They worked 6 days a week.
There are 5 days in a work week in most countries.
4 days a week
5-7 days a week
There are 7 days in a week but only 5 days in a business week, also called a work week.
9 days a week
as many days and hours as you want