33hr 79 min is 34 hrs and 19 minutes. So there is 1 day, 10 hours and 19 mins.
There are several ways to write 39.73: Thirty-nine point seven three Thirty-nine dollars and seventy-three cents (if referring to money) Thirty-nine seventy-three (a more casual money reference) Thirty-nine and seventy-three hundredths
Thirty-three million, one hundred thirty-one thousand, seventy-seven.
It is: 30/180 = 1/6 simplified
The number 73.32 is "seventy-three and thirty-two hundredths." The US currency value $73.32 is "seventy-three dollars and thirty-two cents."
three hours are 180 minutes, so it took 210 minutes
It takes three hours and thirty-one minutes to fly from Chicago to LAX.
There are several ways to write 39.73: Thirty-nine point seven three Thirty-nine dollars and seventy-three cents (if referring to money) Thirty-nine seventy-three (a more casual money reference) Thirty-nine and seventy-three hundredths
three hours and seventy-five minutes is the same four hours and what minutes?
2 hours 15 minutes
Thirty-three million, one hundred thirty-one thousand, seventy-seven.
Usually three hours to three hours thirty minutes.
8 hours 30 minutes
11,130 seconds.
It is: 30/180 = 1/6 simplified
The number 73.32 is "seventy-three and thirty-two hundredths." The US currency value $73.32 is "seventy-three dollars and thirty-two cents."