To today (24th December 2013) there have been 22280 days since 24th December 1952
There are 1/24th (or .04166666666666666666666666666667 days) in one hour.
There are 2,678,400 seconds in 31 days.
If by "only 31 days" you mean "exactly 31 days", then 7. If by "only 31 days" you mean "not more than 31 days" then all of them.
There are 31 days in August.
As of 24th Dec 2010, there are 31 days until 24th of January.
54 days.
205 days.
173 days :)
There are 31 days in May.
To today (24th December 2013) there have been 22280 days since 24th December 1952
January has 31 days.
There are 31 days in December.
79 days as of September 24th 2012
311 days.
There are 1/24th (or .04166666666666666666666666666667 days) in one hour.
It 31 days in this months