Exactly 8.75 days.
210 minutes is 3.5 hours.
There are 1,470 days in 210 weeks.
There are 1.25 weeks in 210 hours.
30 weeks x 7 (days in a week) = 210 days.
Exactly 8.75 days.
210 minutes is 3.5 hours.
210 * 7 = 1470 days.
There are 1,470 days in 210 weeks.
There are 1.25 weeks in 210 hours.
30 weeks x 7 (days in a week) = 210 days.
It would be about 210 days.
It would take 3.5 hours to drive 210 miles at 60mph.
3.5 hours is 210 minutes.
1 month 210 hours