the answer is 1565 days
a year has 365 days in it and a week has 7. 4 years have 1460 days because
365 * 4 = 1460 and 15 weeks have 105 days because 15 * 7 = 105.
1460 + 105 = 1565. if one of the years was a leap year then the answer will be 1564.
Fifteen weeks and four days.
208 weeks and 5 days.
Different months have different lengths - for example, January has 31 days, and June has 30. February has 28 (outside of leap years), which means it is exactly four weeks long. Obviously a month that is 30 days will be four weeks and two days, and one that is 31 days long will be four weeks and three days - or a little over four and a half weeks.
Four weeks and five days.
There are 420 days in 60 weeks.
33 weeks and four days
three weeks and four days. :)
Including January and March, it's 13 weeks. In regular years it is 12 weeks and 6 days, and in leap years it is exactly 13 weeks. If referring to the period from the beginning of January to the beginning of March or from the end of January to the end of March (or middle to middle, etc.), it is eight weeks and three days in regular years and eight weeks and four days in leap years.
Four weeks, three days.
One month is almost exactly four and a third weeks. Therefore 12 weeks is equal to two and three quarter months.
Approximately four weeks. There are 31 days in most months, so that is 3 days more than 4 weeks. Four of the months have 30 days, so that is 2 days more than 4 weeks. One month has only 28 days, which is exactly four weeks.