The shortest "month" of the Gregorian calendar has 28 days.
The month of the year that has thirty days and eight letters is November. All the months that have thirty days include:SeptemberAprilJuneNovember
The only month with just 28 days is the month February. Unless it is a leap year, then February has 29 days.
Only the month of February has 28 days, and in leap years it has 29.
The shortest "month" of the Gregorian calendar has 28 days.
The month of the year that has thirty days and eight letters is November. All the months that have thirty days include:SeptemberAprilJuneNovember
An average year is 365.25 days. An average month is 30.4375 days. Therefore the amount of days will be 974 days
The only month with just 28 days is the month February. Unless it is a leap year, then February has 29 days.
Only the month of February has 28 days, and in leap years it has 29.
all of them.....some have more but they all have twenty eight
It depends on the months, and can be from 242 to 245 days. On average there are 30.4 days in a month, and 243.5 days in eight months (2/3 year)
All of them. February is the only month that has no more than 28 days except, of course, leap years in which February has 29 days.
Since there are a different number of days in different months, the exact answer would depend on the specific start and end date, however, if you use 30 days as a nominal month, you would get about eight months. 238 days / 30 days per month = 7.93333
1 month and 22,21,20 or 19 days depending on the month. But, taking a month to be 30 days, it would be 1 month and 20 days.
30 days are in the month of September