If you were born on June 3, 1998 as of January 31, 2010 you would be 4260 days old. June 3 - Dec 31 1998 = 211 days 1999 = 365 days 2000 = 366 days (leap year) 2001 = 365 days 2002 = 365 days 2003 = 365 days 2004 = 366 days (leap year) 2005 = 365 days 2006 = 365 days 2007 = 365 days 2008 = 366 days (leap year) 2009 = 365 days Jan 1 - Jan 31 2010 = 31 days.
There are 365 days in a year. If it is a leap-year, then there are 366 days.
Well, sweetheart, February 1998 had 28 days. It's not rocket science, just a good ol' regular February. So, mark your calendars and don't go planning any 31-day vacations in that month!
There are 365 days in a year.
In the normal year, there are 365 days.
1998 was not a leap year, so February had 28 days in 1998.
There were 30 days in April 1998.
about 366 days!!:-)
If you were born on June 3, 1998 as of January 31, 2010 you would be 4260 days old. June 3 - Dec 31 1998 = 211 days 1999 = 365 days 2000 = 366 days (leap year) 2001 = 365 days 2002 = 365 days 2003 = 365 days 2004 = 366 days (leap year) 2005 = 365 days 2006 = 365 days 2007 = 365 days 2008 = 366 days (leap year) 2009 = 365 days Jan 1 - Jan 31 2010 = 31 days.
There are 365 days in a year. If it is a leap-year, then there are 366 days.
Well, sweetheart, February 1998 had 28 days. It's not rocket science, just a good ol' regular February. So, mark your calendars and don't go planning any 31-day vacations in that month!
365 days