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30 days have september, April, June and November All the rest have 31 Excepting February which has eight and score and every leap year one day more (Old primer school rhyme in the public domain) Answer 31. An easier way to remember the days in the months is to make a fist. Starting with the first Knuckle, begin naming off the Months on each knuckle & space between each knuckle. The month that corresponds with the high knuckle will have 31 days and the month between knuckles(or low spot) will have 30 ---or 28 or 29 for February. Start with January for the first knuckle --since it is a high spot it has 31 days. The low space between the knuckles will be February and it will have 28 or 29. Next Knuckle is March with 31 followed by space April with 30. Continue to the last knuckle that corresponds to July and then continue by returning to the first knuckle for August---so both consecutive months have 31 days. Works every time and you don't have to remember a riddle.

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