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Q: How many days are you entitled to from work when a family member passes away father?
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My father passed away this year without a will but made his brother the gaurdian of his estate. am i entitled to everything he owns?

Is it true that family members show their true colors when another family member passes away?

It may be true that family members show their true colors when another family member passes away. However, sometimes people act very differently after losing a loved one due to grieving and loss.

Who starts a last name for a family?

Always the father because he passes on the last name per generation.....

A son of a duke must wait for his father to do what before receiving that family name?

Die, I think ,the title passes down the family like Kings and queens.

Inherit in a example sentence?

The son will inherit the family estate when his father passes away.

A minor child's father passed and there was no a will. The father owned real estate by a joint tenancy. What happens now?

Property held in a joint tenancy passes automatically to the surviving joint tenant. However, if the father owned any other property in his own right when he died then a claim can be filed against his estate on behalf of the minor child. The child would also be entitled to Social Security benefits.Property held in a joint tenancy passes automatically to the surviving joint tenant. However, if the father owned any other property in his own right when he died then a claim can be filed against his estate on behalf of the minor child. The child would also be entitled to Social Security benefits.Property held in a joint tenancy passes automatically to the surviving joint tenant. However, if the father owned any other property in his own right when he died then a claim can be filed against his estate on behalf of the minor child. The child would also be entitled to Social Security benefits.Property held in a joint tenancy passes automatically to the surviving joint tenant. However, if the father owned any other property in his own right when he died then a claim can be filed against his estate on behalf of the minor child. The child would also be entitled to Social Security benefits.

What happens to children after their father passes away?

After their father passes away, children may experience grief and loss, and may also go through emotional and psychological challenges. They may need support from family, friends, and mental health professionals to navigate their feelings and adjust to life without their father. Legal and financial issues may also arise depending on the circumstances and estate planning of the father.

What happens to esperanza father?

In "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros, Esperanza's father passes away from a terminal illness. His death greatly impacts Esperanza and her family, leading to changes in their lives and relationships.

Which form of government practised in some Greek city-states and in the Persian Empire describes a society ruled by a king or queen until their death at which point power passes on to a family member?


Why do some family members turn into freaks when someone in the family passes away?

Sometimes family members turn into freaks or act differently when someone in the family passes away because they are grieving and overcome with emotion.

Why does Nwoye flee his father's home all Things Fall Apart?

For one, he is worried that Okonkwo will injure or kill him. Secondly, he has found value in the Christian faith and believes that he will be able to convert the rest of his family later on, perhaps after his father passes away.

I have full court of protection for my mother who has Alzheimer's and she made a will before showing signs of the disease. If another member of the family tries to change her will can I contest it?

Nobody has the right to change the will. The other family members could contest the will after she passes away if they wish, but they cannot change it.