Assuming you mean 2010 and 2013 simply...
365x3 =1095 + 1 (2012 is a leap year) so 1096
Between January 27, 2010 and November 25, 2010 there are 302 days.
Days between 14 March and 21 April 2010 are 38.
Including the start and end dates, there are 722 days between May 12, 2010 and May 3, 2012.
There are 200 days between January 1st, 2010 and July 19th, 2010 inclusive.
There are 57 days between January 28 and March 26, 2010.
There are 112 days between 15 July, 2010 and 4 November, 2010.
Between January 27, 2010 and November 25, 2010 there are 302 days.
26 days.
162 days.
82 days between March 27 to June 17 2010.
39 days are between the 16th of November and the 25th of December 2010.
Days between 14 March and 21 April 2010 are 38.
164 days are between May 1 and October 12 2010.
Between February 8, 2010 and March 13, 2010 there are 33 days.
Including the start and end dates, there are 722 days between May 12, 2010 and May 3, 2012.
It is approx 7.7*1013 metres.
Between January 7, 2010 and March 19, 2010 there are 71 days inclusive.