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You ovulate in minutes or even seconds, but as it takes a while for the sperm to travel up, and the egg to travel down, there is a couple of days around THE moment when you can get pregnant.

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Q: How many days do you ovulate or is it just in hours?
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Just divide the hours by 24, to convert to days.

How many days after period do you ovulate?

When you ovulate depends on your menstrual cycle. You ovulate two weeks BEFORE your period, so how soon after your period you ovulate depends on how long your menstrual cycle is.

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20,000 hours is just over 833 days (833.333333333 days)

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Just divide the number of hours by 24. 32.75 days

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Just divide the number of hours by 24.

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1000 hours is about 41.7 days. Just divide X amount of hours by 24 to figure out how many days it is.

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Just divide the minutes by 60 to convert to hours. Then, divide the hours by 24 to convert to days.

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Well just remember there are 24 hours in a day.

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Answer: 1080 hours Answer: To convert from days to hours, just multiply by 24.

How many hours are there in 8.6 days?

8.6 days = 206.4 hours, or 206 hours, 24 minutes. Any time you have a conversion question like this, you can get the answer by just typing it into Google. In the normal search bar, just type "8.6 days in hours" and it will give you an answer :).

How many days does it take to ovulate?

You only ovulate one day per cycle - although you may release multiple eggs over a 24 hour period, and with eggs surviving for up to 24 hours it means there may be a viable egg present for up to 48 hours. It takes your entire menstrual cycle to ovulate as it's a cycle, a domino effect of hormonal changes and functions occurring between aspects of your reproductive organs.

How many hours is 9.8days?

Just multiply the number of days by 24.