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Approximately 13780, not factoring leap years. ---- If you don't factor leap years, it's 13,870, not 13,780. If you dofactor leap years, the answer depends on how many leap years are included in the 38 years. It might be 9 leap years, or it might be 10. In fact, it could be as few as 8 if one of the 38 years is a century year that is not divisible by 400. If there are 8 leap years in your 38 years, there are 13,878 days. If there are 9 leap years in your 38 years, there are 13,879 days. If there are 10 leap years in your 38 years, there are 13,880 days. If you rotate the beginning year of your 38-year period over a 400 year cycle (the smallest cycle that can be used to accurately represent the frequency of leap years), there will be 72 38-year periods with 8 leap years, 207 with 9 leap years, and 121 with 10 leap years, for an average of 9.1225 leap years per 38-year period. This means that, on average, there will be 13,879.1225 days in a 38-year period. If today (August 6, 2009) is your 38th birthday (i.e., you were born on August 6, 1971), and you're trying to figure out how many days since your birth, then there have been 10 leap years over your lifetime, so it has been 13,880 days since your birth. This is true not only for someone with this particular birthday, but anyone celebrating their 38th birthday at any time in 2009, or, for that matter, anyone celebrating their 38th birthday between March 1, 2008 and February 28, 2010. If you were born on any day between March 1, 1970 and February 28, 1972, then you will be exactly 13,880 days old on your 38th birthday. If you were born between March 1, 1972 and February 28, 1974 (and thus will celebrate your 38th birthday between March 1, 2010 and February 28, 2012), then you will be 13,879 days old on your 38th birthday. If you were born on a leap day (such as February 29, 1972), it depends on whether you celebrate your non-leap-year birthdays on February 28 or March 1. Assuming there are no century years not divisible by 400 during your lifetime (and there aren't if you're less than 109 years old), then you will be 13,879 days old on February 28 and 13,880 days old on March 1.

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