365.25 days. If you want a more exact answer you have to specify whether you mean the vernal equinox year, the sidereal year or the tropical year.
Only February has exactly 28 days in a non leap year.
Exactly 4 years (excluding a leap year !)
He served 2922 solar days. (This does not account for which years leap year was on, but accounts for the actual amount of days in a year 365.25.)
Providing there is no leap year in that period of days, it is equal to exactly 3 years.
3 days, exactly.
Only February has exactly 28 days in a non leap year.
You would have 31,536,000 seconds in a year that is exactly 365 days.
There are exactly 365 days and 3 and a half hours in one year! By Judy Tabbakh
12 months exactly. There are always 12 months in a year of 365 days (366 in leap year)
28 days since it is not leap year. You have to be able to divide exactly by 4 to be leap year.
Exactly 4 years (excluding a leap year !)
91.3125 (leap year taken into account)
He served 2922 solar days. (This does not account for which years leap year was on, but accounts for the actual amount of days in a year 365.25.)
Providing there is no leap year in that period of days, it is equal to exactly 3 years.
365 days and if you wanna know how many days you are in your life you would have to multiply 365 times you age exactly on your birthday to make it easier!
Exactly 48 months. The period 1461 days is exactly 4 years (three years and one leap year). In this case, you do not have to use the average for days in a month (30.4 days).
Almost exactly 3 months for a year of 365 days. (2.998 average months) An average month is about 30.4 days because months can vary in the number of days. Exactly 3 months is 91.3 days in a Julian year, either 91.25 or 91.5 calendar days