Between October 26 , 2009 and December 5, 2009 there were 40 days inclusive.
24 days
There are seven days in a week.
There are 321 days in 321 days.
There are 99991416 days in 1416 days.
There are 365 days in 365 days.
Odor of the Day - 1948 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved (PCA #12509)
The address of the Rodman Public Library is: 12509 School Street, Rodman, 13682 0002
If the start date of the last menstrual period was Monday, October, 26th 2009, then the most likely day of conception was November 9th 2009.
May has 31 days.
Neither one makes sense, but "How many days are you?" is grammatically correct.
24 days
There are seven days in a week.
There are 321 days in 321 days.
There are 99991416 days in 1416 days.
60000000 days are in 60000000 days.
There are 365 days in 365 days.